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Road Information & Roadkill


Road Maintenance & Summer Projects

The Highway Department routinely cuts shoulders to maintain proper drainage of water off our roads. Please refer to the Cornell Local Roads link for an explanation of the process.

One of our most common summer road projects is Chip Sealing. Please refer to our Chip Seal Fact Sheet link for more information.

For current information on our projects, please refer to our Stay Informed link or Calendar link.

Signs and Street Lighting

To report missing and/or damaged street signs, please contact the Highway Department at (315) 687-6031 or send an email to

Street light outages can be reported to National Grid by calling 1-(800) 867-5222 or by filling out their online form:

Please be prepared to provide the pole number, address or nearest intersection.

Roadkill Removal

We remove dead deer on Town roads only. For a list of roads and contacts, refer to our County and State Roads link.