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Snowplowing & Mailboxes


General Information

The Town of Sullivan plows and salts 153 miles of roads. We have 7 plow routes that take an average of 3.5 to 4 hours to complete. If snow persists, we will reload and start our routes over to ensure your safety on our town roads.


To report a damaged mailbox, please call the Highway Department at (315) 687-6031. Sometimes we inadvertently hit mailboxes or the weight of the snow damages them. If we find it’s our responsibility, we will come out asap and repair your mailbox. Please keep in mind we will replace your mailbox with a standard metal box and pressure-treated post. We sometimes have to do a temporary repair until weather permits a replacement.

We are not required by law to repair mailboxes, but we do this as a courtesy to our residents. Please note we do not replace mailboxes on State Roads.

If you live on one of the following County roads, please contact us for snow plowing or mailbox issues:

Lakeport Road
Fyler Road
New Boston Road
Chestnut Ridge Road
Bridgeport Kirkville Road
Peck Road
North Road

If you live on a County Road not listed above, call Madison County Highway Department (315) 366-2221 If you live on a State Road, call New York State Department of Transportation (NYS DOT) (315) 336-0660.

Staking & Lawn Digs

In the Fall, the Town will come out and stake the difficult spots on our plow routes. If you are concerned about your lawn, we encourage you to stake your property. If your lawn is dug up by our plows, we will come around in the Spring to repair all damaged areas on Town Roads only. It is not necessary to call our office at (315) 687-6031 about plow digs. If seeding is required, property owners will be responsible for watering.

Snow Removal by Contractors & Residents

State Law prohibits discarding or plowing snow in the road. It is also illegal to plow snow across the road.

Winter Street Parking

Parking is prohibited on all Town Roads from November 1st through April 15th.


Please call our office to report potholes on Town Roads only. (see list)